In line with its new education system, Tokyo Tech combined its undergraduate and graduate schools into six new Schools in April 2016. Please note that the Department of Chemistry and Materials Science no longer accepts new students.

Job Opportunities

Associate Professor(Department of Chemistry, School of Science) Bioorganic Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry October 30, 2015
Assistant Professor(special-appointment)(Material Structure) Solid State Ionics and related fields, and/or Materials Science and Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Solid State Physics, and/or Crystallography and their related fields August 24, 2015
Assistant Professor(Chemical Transformations) Fields in materials science related to organic chemistry such as structural organic chemistry and physical organic chemistry July 31, 2015
Associate Professor(Functional Materials) Design and spectroscopic characterization of inorganic materials like glass/amorphous and/or crystalline materials for optical functions etc. January 13, 2015
Professor(Chemical Transformations) Organic chemistry and materials science related to organic chemistry November 21, 2014
Associate Professor(Functional Materials) Design and spectroscopic characterization of inorganic materials like glass/amorphous and/or crystalline materials for optical functions etc. October 31, 2014
Professor(Functional Materials) Inorganic Materials Engineering related to Functional Materials (Amorphous materials, Optical materials, etc.) August 19, 2013
Professor(Chemical Transformations) Electrochemistry, Catalytic chemistry, etc.) January 7, 2013