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NISHIKATA Laboratory



Professor : Dr. Atsushi NISHIKATA
Office : South-8th Bldg. Room 405iPost No. S8-12)
Tel : +81-3-5734-3134
Fax : +81-3-5734-2835
e-mail : nishikata(at)cms.
Lectures :
(Graduate School) Environmental Degradation of Materials
(Undergraduate) Environmental Degradation of Materials
Research Fields :
Electrochemistry. Corrosion Engineering, Fuel Cell

Associate Professor :
Dr. Eiji TADA
Office : South-8th Bldg. Room 404iPost No. S8-2)
Tel : +81-3-5734-2296
Fax : +81-3-5734-2835
e-mail : tada(at)cms.
Research Fields : Electrochemistry, Corrosion Engineering

Laboratory Home Page

Nishikata-Tada Laboratory

Research Fields

Our interests are in the fields of corrosion and electrochemistry. We have focused on mechanisms of anodic dissolution and passivation of metals and alloys, and corrosion mechanisms of metallic materials such as weathering steels, stainless steels and coated steels in marine atmospheres. The weathering steels are used without painting because protective rusts are formed on their surface. Recently, they are widely applied to bridges. Our group is developing a remote-controlled monitoring system of atmospheric corrosion of weathering steel bridges.
The recent activities are focused on degradation of materials of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). PEMFC is expected as an alternate energy conversion and efficient power source device due to its environmentally clean working condition. The key factor limiting the commercialization of PEFC is the durability of Pt catalysts and the reduction of cost. Our group is investigating the degradation mechanism of Pt and Pt alloys catalysts in PEMFC environments.

Research TopicsF